Audio Systems: pioneer DEH-P6400, pioneer cd player, pioneer deh

I had best buy install a xm box to my pioneer cd player, maybe a month later it went out. I also have a amp hooked up to my cd player recently the power to that also went outafter about two months  after the xm box did. I unhooked to amp tested the power cord and no voltage the fuse to the power is not blown, the cd player still works but no power goes to the amp or xm boxcould this be a fuse in the cd player or burnered out wires

WEll, yes, could be any of the suggestions you gave or others.

The only way is to troubleshoot the system.  Best way to do this is to obtain a simple VOM (Volt ohm Meter - best deal is at Walmart electrical department for $9.83; the one in their automotive department is more money and not as good for this kind of work).

Check the 12v dc line to each of the units; there are generally two 12v feeds; one is direct from the battery - through a fuse.  The other is from the ignition which switches the unit ON.

Then, you will know if the units are getting power.  For example, you could be getting 12v from the ignition but the fuse on the direct power line is blown. In this case, even though the switched voltage is telling the amp to come ON, it cannot because of the fuse out in the other line.

If the voltages are correct then you may have a defective unit.  The ony way to know for sure is to bench test it: Pull it out of the car, power it with long leads from the car battery (or auxiliary battery if you have on laying around) and hook a speaker to each channel one by one until you know for sure the amp is working, etc.

Hope you get the concept.

Good Luck,