Audi Repair: Audi Allroad Air Suspension, audi allroad, air shocks

QUESTION: The passenger air shocks are not adjusting properly.  I was told that I have a faulty pressure sensor that needs to be replaced.  However, I was also told that the only way to replace the sensor is to replace the complete compressor assembly which is costly...aprox $1,500.  Is this correct.  Must I buy a new compressor to get the sensor?  Please advise.

ANSWER: hello
What is exactly going on??? what do you mean by not adjusting??
let me know.          Greg

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The Allroad shocks can be set to 4 positions from low to high.  When the dashboard button is pushed to raise or lower the car the shocks do not adjust properly.  The driver side shocks may go up when the pasenger side shocks remain down. I am told that the compressor works but the sensor that calls for the proper adjustment is not sending the proper signal to the compressor.  The sensor needs replacing but you can't replace it without replacing the entire compressor. So I apparently have to pay for a major repair when all I need is a new sensor.  Is this correct?

I have newer seen allroad going up or down on one side only.
Most of the time it will move but after a while one drops down - thats when the air spring is leaking. Sometime the whole car goes up very slow, usually it will take so long that system will shot off because compressor will overheat.
this mean that there is a leak in the system and compressor is bad also. Allroad should be able to go up in about less than 1 min from the  lowest to highest settings. Also this system can be check using VAG and most of the time (if there is something wrong) it will set fault code .
If you have this , please let me know and I will check the shop  manual. Checking for any faults is the best way to start because it will give you point to start. Also , can your car gets to the highest point? if it does see if it will stay there for longer time. Or which side drops first??
good luck