Cadillac Repair: brake lights, 10mm nuts, light emitting diodes

change brake light bulb in a 2001 cad seville

Hi Jim,

     I don't have access to a Seville manual tonight. However you might check inside your owners manual and they might have a description. Otherwise what I would suggest is that if is the bulb in the taillight to remove the panel inside the trunk behind the tail lamp lenz. Sometimes that panel is held on by plastic wingnuts and other times it is a round plastic retainer with a slot in it for a flatblade screwdriver to turn out. Once out the buld access might be obvious. Otherwise look for some 10mm nuts that look like they are behind the tail lamp area. Remove them all and then push on the studs or pull on the lenz to remove it. Once the lenz is out then the bulb retainer gets pushed and then the socket twisted.

     If it is the hi mount stop light that is inop and really small looking bulbs used to light up, then that whole lenz assembly will most likely need to be replaced because it uses LEDs/light emitting diodes and they aren't replaced seperately UNLESS you go to radio shack and buy them and know how to soldier/unsoldier them. Not something I would recommend.

      Sorry I can't be anymore help than that. If you need more help the other Caddy expert can sometimes send pictures and a procedure if you ask him. Bill