Cadillac Repair: electrical problems?, climate control, scan tool

I have a 91 cad deville.  The car had been setting up for awhile.  A couple of months ago, I moved it and everything worked fine.  Then, about 2 weeks ago, I started it up to start driving it again.  I turned the car off and the blower motor kept running and wouldn't stop.  I took it to a dealership and they weren't sure what was wrong with it.  They disconnected the blower motor for me. Also, there were no display lights on the climate control, nor the fuel data.  I drove it a couple of days and now, it starts up, but when I push on the gas pedal, it stalls out.  What do I need to read the "problem codes"?  I'm leaning towards replacing the BCM since I'm not getting any displays?


Hi cajun, Reading the codes can be done with a scan tool or through the climate control panel pushing off and warmer and holding those buttons for 5 seconds...then the E and F codes will display. Since the dash won't light up a scan tool would be your only option. I would hesitate just replaceing the BCM because the programmer, fuel data panel, climate control panel, BCM and fuse all affect the panel light-up so you will need to grab a book and test because if the BCM doesn't fix it each part could be more than $100 depending upon where you buy them. The blower could be fixed by getting the panels to light up. Basically what you do is unplug the climate control panel and if the fuel panel lights replace the ccp.If not plug it in and unplug the fuel panel and if everything works replace it,The rest of the tree gets complicated so you will need the manual and some test equipment. Sounds like they gave it to an inexperrianced tech at the dealer and you need one that is electrical savy.  The stalling could be lack of fuel pressure but reading the computor info would be good to know also. Bill