Chevrolet Repair: 94 Chevy 1500 4.3 liter, volt ohm meter, power gauge

i was just wondering if you'd know why my standard truck is losing power in the corners. I down gear and then the truck chugs and the power gauge show that the battery power is down. This also happens when the truck is coming to a stop if i have the fan on.


I found this question disgarded in the question trash can.  I can check it out once the orginal person you asked throws it away.  I hope this helps.

Possible that the alternator is going bad.  More specifically the voltage regulator.  That is internal to the alternator though.  You can have the alternator bench tested.  You take it off and run it to the nearest auto parts store.  

You can also test it in the vehicle.  You need a Volt/Ohm meter.  A cheap one is available at hardware store, like ACO.  Probably $10.  With truck runing, put red probe on postiive and black on negative.  The volt meter should read 13.8V to 14.3V.  Anything less and the alternator is not keeping up.  This could be a bad belt, corrosion, or just plan bad.  

If the voltage is good, then load test.  Turn on headlights and blower motor.  If that runs the voltage down then alternator is bad, or the other symptoms may apply.  

If alternator passes the load test, then turn truck off and test the battery voltage.  Should be 12.6V.  No less or the battery is not holding.  If this is good, then turn key on (but dont start it).  Turn on headlights and blower.  Is the battery rapidly going toward 10V?  Then battery is bad.

Hope this helps.