Chevrolet Repair: tail pipe, chevy malibu, drain hole

I live in Trenton, NJ and own a 2002 chevy malibu. I was resently talking with a friend, about to drive off, then they told me I had a leak under my car. So I look at the liquid on the ground under the back of my car and noticed it was clear with no smell, water? I then looked and saw that there was a little water in the tail pipe. The next morning as my wife drove off I looked at the spot where the car was and there was that same little puddle, I suppose there was water in the pipe this time... can you help?  

Hello Terrell,
The catalytic converter, when working properly, produces a fairly large amount of water. it usually passes out with the exhaust as steam, but sometimes condenses inside the muffler and tailpipe.
There is probably even a drain hole in the bottom of your muffler.
This is all normal. In cold weather it could even be more apparent.
