Chrysler Repair: 02 voyager alarm horn wont come off, chrysler voyager, inner fender

QUESTION: Hello. My chrysler voyager 2002 alarm comes off and I can't stop it. Still can start it but sound doesn't come off.

ANSWER: Hi Christina,
I suspect that the horn relay is faulty and sticking in the closed position. It is located in the electrical power box under the hood on the driver side inner fender. If you open the box it is at the rear in the corner closest to the top of the box (outboard side if you rotate the box to the horizontal position. Try removing the horn relay which should shut it off. Then substitue the park lamp relay next to it for the horn relay and see if that solves the problem. If so, then buy a new relay and use it in place of the park lamp relay, or in place of the horn relay that you removed. Let me know if that doesn't solve it and will try something else.

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QUESTION: Thank you for quick reply.
Have tried to take out relay, change to another one, but nothing changed.
Problem is that we just bought this car from someone. As we came home we parked it and didn't use it. In 2 days the alarm came off and we couldn't turn it off. Then we thought it's just an old battery. We bought a new one, but in 2 days time it was same again. Battery was dead. So I think something is draining battery. So we charged battery, put it back and now the alarm don't come off any more.

ANSWER: I am not understanding what the situation is. The horn could be draining the battery, but it also possible that something else is draining the battery which then causes the horn to sound.
If you can get a volt-ohm-milliamp meter and measure the current (milliamps) that is flowing through the battery when it is turned off and locked up that would be useful to know in diagnosing this problem. Remove the - post clamp from the battery and put the meter probes across the gap to complete the circuit again. The meter, if set to read milliamps, will then tell you how much current is flowing. It should be less than 50 milliamps after a few minutes. Of course the horn relay should be removed when making the measurement. Let me know what you find.

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QUESTION: I don't understand it too. I can not check it with meter as alarm is on once I connect battery. Is there any other way I could turn off alarm?

I don't understand. What is the horn doing? What is happening when you try to start the engine?
What have you already tried to cancel the theft system?
Hi Kristina,
Seeing that you gave me a 5 for Knowledgeability I feel like I have let you down. But truly, I can't picture exactly what is going on. Could you try to tell me in detail exactly what is happening when you unlock the door, open the door, try to start the engine? What does "come off" mean? That the horn sounds? When you remove the horn relay the horn should stop sounding. Then what happens when you try to start the engine? What other than unlocking the drive door have you done to turn off the theft system?