Chrysler Repair: turn signal wiring 2000 Chrysler 300M, turn signal switch, fuse box

I started having an intermittent problem with the turn signal switch.  At times the turn signals would only blink two times and stop working.  The lights on the cluster didn't work either. I could wiggle the switch and they would work for a few more times.  Finally, they quit working completely.  All of the other functions of the switch assembly work. We changed the switch but, no change.

Hi Vickie,
Have you checked the light bulbs at all four corners of the vehicle? Those all have to be functional for the blinking circuit to work. If they are OK, does wiggling the switch do anything to help?  Tell me specifically what is the hebhavior now, both left and right, and also how about 4-corner emenrgency blinkes (are they working?).I can tell you the wiring from the switch to the body control module that is mounted nearby on the back side of the fuse box. Let me know.