Chrysler Repair: 97 sebring ccd problem, drb iii, power steering pump

i was just about to drop my car off by the shop tonight to get my abs problem
fixed until today my car yet found ANOTHER screw up! i was leaving from school
and while leaving the parking deck my car cuts off while idling so i try to
crank it back up and it runs for 2 sec then cuts back did this before
when the alarm was going off and i had to disarm the alarm so it would stay
running but this time the alarm never went off to begin took about 20min before i
could finally get the car stay running and it was pretty embarrassing because i
blocked the parking deck up for 20min straight lol...the service engine soon
light came on so i took it to autozone and a new code popped up which was p1698
which i read was a ccd malfunction and on my computer on the dash that tells the
temp and direction also said CCd so is this something that could be fixed easily or needs to be taken to a mechanic
that works with electrical problems...i'm pretty sure it will be hard for me to
address the central problem w/ out the appropriate tools...i also wondered if it
could somehow be related to my abs problem or not... thanks

The pressure switch, if there is one, would be on the back of the pump body (the other end from the pulley). I am not certain if the car's pump even has such a switch. Sometimes if it isn't used, the controller will give a phantom fault code because it is "missing" from its point of view. In any case, the power steering is working as far as you know.

Hi Colt,
The pressure switch should be found on the power steering pump and it looks like a simple switch operated by hydraulic pressure. Might even just be the electrical connector is loose or detached so check for that first.
On the DRB III, it is a $6k unit and the Chrysler dealer is probably the best bet for a proper CCD readout/evaluation.

Hi Colt,
The pressure switch should not be hard to install yourself, and I doubt it will cost that much. The codes come back when the system exhibits the malfunction once again, and that depends on driving conditions, habits, the specific kind of fault, and the criteria that need to be met for the code to be set. No single answer. So why not fix the ABS problem and then see what happens with the CCD if it is driveable? And readout the codes again after that.

Hi Colt,
It sounds like you do need to get a readout of all the codes using the Chrysler DRB III and then get a list of the numbers, what the repairs might be, and the cost. The 1698 says that the bus signals from the trans controller aren't getting around on the bus. And as I recall we were going to see if you could get a readout of the ABS controller for any fault codes it might have. About the only other thing you could try is to just disconnect the battery for 10 minutes or so to see if the follow-up reboot might straighten things out.
On the resources front, I just bid and was high bidder on a '98 Sebring shop manual which I should get in about a week so I should know more specific to the convert once I get that.
Let me know what you learn.