Chrysler Repair: PCM 1994 New Yorker Check, chrysler new yorker, resistance measurement

Can you check a PCM? My 94 New Yorker would crank over but if some of the dash did not light up(esp.fuel gauge), it would not start. Sometimes car would cut off while driving. Now car will crank but no start. I checked all relays(ASD etc.) and Fuses. Can I check The PCM to see if its bad ? The plastic over the board is all cracked up. Dealer says they need the car to see if the PCM is bad, Tks.. 1995 Chrysler New Yorker, 3.5 lt , auto, ac.

Hi Mark,
I am not clear as to 'no trouble codes'. Do you mean that after cycling the key twice and then leaving it in the 'on' position (within a total elapsed time of 5 seconds or less) that the check engine light didn't stay on and then begin to flash or that it stayed on and didn't flash or that it stayed on and only flashed 55? Would you try it again just to be sure?
Do you have any spark? Do you hear the fuel pump run for a second or so when you turn the ignition switch from off to run?
If you got no response to the code request, then there are some pages from the trouble shooting manual I can send you to go thru a number of voltage and resistance measurement tests to try and sort out a "no response" situation. It is about 18 sides of paper if you can wait till I copy and snail mail them to you. So let me know the answers to the above. And let me know a postal mailing address. One of the conclusions of such an exercise is that the pcm is bad, but you have to go thru it and test/measure voltages and resistances if you have a volt-ohmmeter.