Classic/Antique Car Repair: 47 ford fire truck, ford fire truck, honey comb

Brad new points, condensor and coil, turns over but will not start! I went up under dash and see the resistor block you refer to, it appears that the resistor portion may be bypassed which would explain why the coil has a built in resistor. back to that resistor block is their another component under the aluminum honey comb cover that could cause the truck not to start. I have even replace all the wiring to the generator and still running into a dead end. Whats my next step??

Thank you for your time and patience


Brad, I don't remember this prob, and if it was a Model A , I could help you.  Check to see if you have a spark at the points with the key on and the points closed.  You need that to fire the plugs.  I don't know about the balast resister.  I assume it is timed properly.  On a Model A, first I check to make sure at there is power to both sides of the coil with the key off.  Then turn the key on and rotate the engine until the points are closed.  Snap the points open and check for a spark, a small spark.  If you get a big spark, your condenser is bad.  Also, make sure the points are clean and making good contact.  After that, it should start.
Good luck and I wish I could help you.