Classic/Antique Car Repair: 68 chevelle, car idles, fuel filter

i have a 68 chevelle with a 454 and it seems to have a carb problem. car idles fine but when i start to drive it seems to bog down unless i keep feathering the gas pedal then i can floor it then it goes but will not go with light acceleration it has a holley double pumper carb on it i adjust the timing but not to fimiliar with carbs. also when its idling i can floor the the pedal and its does nothing all i hear is air and wants to die i think it has a carb problem but not to sure

Hi when you did the trimming did you remove the vacuumed line to the dist. if it had one. it might just need a carb. adj, and when was the last-plugs-points-rotor-condenser-cap-wires. and is the choke hanging up on you. I would adj. the carb turn in the lil screw on the r/ side and go in till it almost stalls than back it out 1 1/2 turns or till it sounds good do the same to the left side ok  and check your fuel filter and check to see if the secondarrys are working. if you have vacuumed throw that out and get a manual set up for it