Dodge Repair: brake line: difficulty removing

QUESTION: Imtrouble removing the nut that is on the hard line that connects The Two to gether

ANSWER: Try putting some "penetrating oil" on the threads of the fitting and let is sit for about an hour (or overnight). Then try to remove it by gently loosening/tightening alternatively using tools that are a good fit to the nuts dimensions so you don't round off the faces.

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QUESTION: Can you tell me what size is it

I only have an '89 LeBaron to compare to, so I would be guessing. I am virtually certain that the nut would be a metric size (mm.) so it is likely a 9, 10, 11, or 12 mm. So be sure to use metric open-end wrenches unless you can remove the connection at the far end of the brake line and then slip a box-end wrench over that to reach the fitting in question.

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QUESTION: The nut on the hard line finally. C
Broke free now when i trun it to take it off the tje rubber hose it is flexing with the nut on any suggestions

You can put some penetrating oil where the nut and the end of the hose are in contact and let thea sit for a while. How about removing the nut on the other end of the hose and freeing that end? I suspect that you will want to replace the entire hose due to its age, though you didn't tell me what year the vehicle is. That rubber hose can look OK on the outside but have cracked rubber on the inside which then will cause the brakes to drag because the fluid doesn't flow back and forth freely inside the hose. So consider that alternative and simply remove nuts and both ends, remove the hose and throw it away after you buy a new hose to replace it with.