Dodge Repair: Hard time shifting gears with auto. transmission, auto transmission fluid, plumouth

I know you said you know "Dodge" vehicles, but I am hoping my 1991 Plumouth Grand Voyager is close enough that you can give me an idea of what might be wrong.

This is an older (obviously) vehicle that was left undriven for about 9 months, but that was 2+ years ago. I got it 1 1/2 years ago, and have repaired many things. It has been running very well since the last repair last February.

Today, when we arrived at our friends' house, I tried to put it in "Park" and couldn't. I certainly didn't try to force it - I put it down to "Low" and made my way back up to "Reverse" and "Park" but, once again, it wouldn't go into "Reverse." I did that probably four times, and it finally went into "Reverse" and "Park"

Then, later, when we arrived home, it did the same thing. (No trouble at all when we left our friends' house.)

Our friends' driveway was not steep at all and I pulled into my level garage, so it wasn't too steep a grade.

I checked the auto transmission fluid when I arrived home. My book says that when it is hot, the fluid should reach "HOT" on the stick and it did - it looked clear (pinkish clear) and fine.

I dislike going to have my van repaired when I have no idea of the problem. I at least like to know what it could be so I am prepared. Can you help with some good guesses?

Thank you so much!  

If the vehicle shifts good while driving there shouldnt be anything wrong with the transmission. You probally have a linkage, to the shifter that, is either loose, or just worn out. Or maybe its just sticking and needs some wd40. That would be my quess.. Ty