Ford Repair: Ford Expl AC compressor problem, auto parts stores, air gap

This morning I got the "check engine" light on in my 97 Ford Explorer (2WD, 4L). I checked things under the hood and I saw that the AC compressor pulley stops in every 4-5 seconds and starts to run again for 4-5 seconds and every time it does restart a loud clicking noise is coming from the clutch/compressor. Is it a possible clutch problem or relay? I try to avoid costly repair, so your advice is highly appreciated.

A problem in the AC will not turn on the check engine light. Depending on the temp and humidity where you are this may be normal for the AC. The clicking noise is merely the AC clutch engaging and closing the air gap of the clutch.

You will have to find out what the codes are that set the CEL. Then we can proceed. Some auto parts stores will check codes for free, but don't buy anything, let me know what the code is and I can advise you on what to do.