Ford Repair: Ford Taurus Serpentine Belt, ford taurus gl, 1997 ford taurus gl

It's a 1997 Ford Taurus GL 3.0L V6, Automatic:
A small portion, about a quarter of an inch on one side, basically ripped off my serpentine belt, and I'm looking to replace it with a new one. I'm thinking I can do this myself without bringing it to a mechanic, because I've read some things where it seems it would be easy enough. I've read where I would need to loosen the belt tensioner, but can't find a good picture of the right spot where it is. And I know to put the belt back exactly the way it was before. Where exactly is it on it to loosen? And do you think it's an easy enough job to handle at home?Thanks!

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
Replacement of the serp. belt really isn't THAT difficult.
There is a "self-adjusting" tensioner in the belt system that needs to be "unloaded". This is usually done either with a 16mm ( I think) wrench or a specialty tool (consult your local parts store).
The tensioner has a heavy spring inside it which keeps tension at a constant rate on the belt.
If I remember correctly, on the 3.0L, it is either (standing at the side of the car) towards the firewall, or located straight down from the alternator. With the belt on, the tensioner will only move one way. Other wise, if you move it in the other direction, you'll loosen up the pulley.
Removal of the windshield and antifreeze resivoir might aid in the removal of the belt.
Hope this helps,