Ford Repair: Apsire Transmission, cv joints, input shaft

Steve, 96 Aspire with a auto transmission. While driving one day just seemed to pop out of gear, like a standard would do if you hit the shifter. No bang, no noise. I have no gears now, it rolls in every spot but park. Speedo dosn't move when you hit the gas, CV joints are not broke. Droped the trany pan and change the filter, everything was very clean, no metal parts.

To replace the trany will cost more than the car is worth. Any thoughts on fixabilty of this trany.


  If the results are the same in every gear (i.e. no movement) then my guess is either the torque converter has given up the ghost or the input shaft is broken or has some chipped splines.  Either way, the car won't move.  If it were a problem with the gears, you should at least have a few's extremely unlikely they'd all go out at once.  But the input shaft and torque converter are what send engine power through the transmission.  That's where I'd place my bet as to the problem.  Hope this helps.
