Jaguar Repair: 85 xj6, fuel pump relay, valve work

QUESTION: hi mr howard thanks for the tips on checking cold start valve and thermotime switch. check those as u// said thay check out good. with my ome metet befoe i check any thing meter shows o after i hook thermotime switch it go to fully to right start at 200 go to 0 car still dont start when cold what do the relay on firewall do that say cold start relay cold start valve work fine no spray now what is my next step.thanks   james

ANSWER: James, I don't understand what you are saying. "i hook thermotime switch it go to fully to right start at 200 go to 0"  You will have to clarify that for me.

There is NO cold start relay on the car. The only relays on the firewall are the "main relay, the fuel pump relay (both black plastic) and a metal relay that is the starter relay" Also you said "85 sj6" No such car! Are you talking about a XJ-6?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: mr howard i look over my questons and even i could/nt understan what i was talking about u have to b/ a good man to deal with peopel u// and try to answer their questons.  car dont start when it/s cold thats my problem.    ////thanks james///

James, to first confirm that the cold start problem is fuel, spray a little starting fluid (available at any auto parts store) into the intake when someone is trying to start the engine cold. If it starts up right away cold then test the cold start system as I outlined for you earlier. Don't buy any part until you run all the tests I outlined and when you find what is wrong buy only that part. The tests I outlined need to be done with a test light or a volt meter.