Land Rover Repair: Disco Mk1 - Rear Suspension, rear shocks, outer bodies

Rear shocks need replacing due to corrosion of outer bodies ! How easy to self replace ? Am mechanical but certainly not a mechanic!

Hi Brian,

shocks are somewhat easy to replace. IF your rear shocks are in need of replacement, what about your front ones?  I would advise you to replace them all at once.

Rear shocks were easier than the front ones.  Keep in mind the order in which you remove the bolts,rubbers and washers.  Chances are that the replacement shocks need the same sequence.

No special tool is required to remove shocks, UNLESS they bolt is seized.  In that case, you may have to grind it off.

Lift the Disco's rear to give you more room to remove the shock.  Use axle stands to secure the Disco.  Once the rear is raised, you'll have to jack up the axle to compress the shock before removal.

A nice long boxend wrench is good to have.  Hydraulic impact gun would be easier.

Best of luck,
