Mitsubishi Repair: engine cuts out at high speed, mitsubishi engine, dodge ram

I have a 1986 dodge ram 50,it has a 2.0L mitsubishi engine
model G63B. Ive been trying to figure out the problem but coming up with nothing. When I am driving from takeoff until 4th gear (Manual)it runs fine. but when i reach about 4000 RPM in fourth it starts to cut out, and misfires violently and loses all power,same thing in fifth gear.It just started doing this recently.Its not as bad when the engine is just warmed up. ive checked the plug wires and changed the plugs, and set the ignition timing. To me it seems like its not getting enogh voltage to the engine, can the altenator,voltage regulator or the coil have any thing to do with it? it does this at about 60MPH I cannot go faster unless i let it slowly build up the speed "and I mean slowly" Please help me if you can.     THANX

Jason: You need to get a voltmeter then check the votlage regulator and the coil. You should also get the fuel pump checked too, it could be that it is not putting out enough fuel. It would not hurt to have your truck coded to make sure there is no problem with the computer or any sensors also. You will need to have a repair manual as to using the voltmeter, you will need to know what are the right readings for your truck. Take care and good luck! Linda