Mitsubishi Repair: Galant problems, authorized service center, knowledge section

I have a 2002 Galant that has no prior trouble history.  This morning at 5 my husband went to take the car out of the garage and when he put it into gear, nothing happened.  He couldn't reverse, go forward, nothing.  It starts up just fine and no weird smells.  What could be the problem?  Two nights ago was the last time it was driven and there was no indication of anything at that time either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Connie,

As you didn't mention whether it was a standard or automatic I'm going to guess it's an automatic.

You may want to see about getting your fluid changed but I doubt that will help as it sounds like you've got some serious transmission problems. It's possible that your problem is the linkage between the shifter and the transmission but doubtful. I recommend you seek the advice of an authorized service center.

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.

Good Luck!

Follow up:

Thanks greatly for the poor score on the knowledge section! As you gave me minimal information to go on I was only able to give you minimal information in return! As well, I'm sorry if you didn't like what you heard but let me know how it goes. I'm interested to know if my diagnosis of your transmission needing professional service is correct or if it was just the linkage. As well, I believe my response was well within the 24 hour mark requested by


e-mail from Connie:
Thanks Ty.  I appreciate the response.  Actually everyone we've talked to didn't have a clue as could what have happened.  The galant is in fact an automatic and when we had it towed to a transmission repair place, the took it apart and found that a gear had fallen off the transmission. Weird how that could have happened, but oh well. Now we have 2.5K that we get to shell out to get the tranny put back together. Thanks again for getting back with me!

Follow up:

I'd call a gear falling off a serious transmission problem...especially at $2,500.00 for a repair job. Looks like I was right.

Good Luck!