Motorcycle Repair: 1982 Goldwing air shocks, air shocks, rear shocks

Can't seem to find anyone local to look at or repair the air shocks.  I replaced the rear shocks with non-air shocks and still need help with the front. I have the manual and Clymers and still does not make sense to me. Can't locate how to inflate??  Any help would be appreciated.

There should be a valve stem like the ones on tires on the top of the right fork leg and a rubber hose running from the right leg to the left. There should be a decal that says how much pressure to put in (they changed it between '82 &'83 if I remember correctly)on the handlebar, between the clamps.

The standard recommendation is to always use a hand pump when adding air to the suspension because the pulses produced by a compressor can blow a seal. These days I would also add that you can use a compressor if you have one with a tank and a regulator and you turn the compressor off and set the regulator to the pressure the forks should be.

If you want to rebuild the forks, you can find some information in the following links:

If you kept the original shocks and would like to rebuild them some time:

I recommend joining a good online usergroup (discussion forum) for bikes like yours. is one of the best. No, we don't ride without clothes - it refers to goldwings without fairings, but lots of members have 'Wings with fairings too.