Motorcycle Repair: Trouble shooting a 1999 1200c Sportster, battery cables, 1200c sportster

This just started a couple days ago, but as I'm riding i have noticed a miss in the motor. It happens at about any speed. It is very intermit. It only happens once maybe twice in my 8 mile trec to work. But yesterday as I was slowing down to turn it died and would not start. It wanted to, meaning as soon as I would hit the start button I got one fire out of it but then nothing. I let the bike set for a few minutes and then it took off like nothing ever happened. Just wondering if it might be a electical problem or a fuel problem? Or somthing else? Some history on the bike thet might help, in 2000 I had the ignition modual go out and I replaced is with a sreamin eagle one. The old one would get hot and then quit working.I also had a postive battery cable break at the crimp. Replaced the end with a new one. And the last thind that has happened was my battery cables would loosen up at the battery. Kinda of figred this out when the lights and everything would go dead.
Any ideas?

First you need to determine if your miss is electrical or fuel problem. Take the bike for a ride and when it quits, pull a plug and see if your getting any spark. Check at the hot side of the coil and see if you have power. Let me know what you find