Motorcycle Repair: 1968 HD Electra Glide Electrical Problems, test light, happy holidays

Hi, I have a 1968 Electra Glide with 11,000 miles on it. I had it running perfectly and was riding it daily until the lights started flickering and then one day it just died while going down the road. There appears to be no juice when the key is turned to any position, the battery is new and has a full charge. I replaced the ignition switch and coil. Any ideas? Thanks much, Dave.

You have a short in the main wiring probably. Start by checking at the ignition switch with a test light. Do yu have power going to the switch? When the key is on, do you have power going away from the switch? If both are no, then you have a short going to the switch. If yes then you need to follow the wire going out of the switch and locate the short.
Happy holidays