Motorcycle Repair: honda gl1100 aspencade 1987?, honda gl1100, starter clutch

I recently bought a used bike and the previous owner said that the starter did not work. I have pulled out the starter and it is good. I noticed that the chain to the starter seems loose and believe that the chain may be skipping inside. I have no manual as yet and was wondering how to ajust the tension on the chain. can you tell me how to do this and posibly give me tips on what else may be causing the bike to not start. thanks for your help?


if necessary the chain has to be replaced as there
is no adjuster. Some slack is normal.
What is happening when you try to start?
-Does it click or make other noises or is
it totally dead?
-Have you checked fuses, solenoid and battery
-The starter chain connects to a one-way
starter clutch under the flywheel.
-This clutch has little springs and rollers
that can wear out and slip.

-the clutch lever and side stand also have switches
that can prevent starting.

The problem depends on what is happening when
you try starting it. Let me know if you have
some more info. (GL1100 were only made until 1983)