Motorcycle Repair: 2001 super glide charging sys, test light, definetly

hey Samuel, I hope you can help me with this problem I have with my dads HD. the battery is new, my dad bought a new 1 w/o checking the regulator & all that good stuff so its definetly not the battery. i checked the regulator, well i hope i did, its that rectangular grilled box near the front of the bike right? i was told to check it with a test light; i put the wire from the test light to the neg on the battery & the other to each of the pins, none of these connections produced any light. i was told if there was light then the reg was bad. did i do this right? if i did do this right what else should i check? thanks

just check the voltage on the battery posts
with the bike revved up a bit.
Should be around 14 volts.
If not, unplug the wires from the stator
on the engine, check for 60 volts "AC"
between any of the 3 similar colored wires
coming from the stator.
If okay then it is likely fuses, regulator
or wiring problem.