Motorcycle Repair: XR80 not starting, honda xr80, fuel line

My son's Honda XR80 sat idle for 2 months.  No problems starting before.  We refilled the gas, and tried to start.  Ran a coupe sec's then a big backfire.  Upon kicking it more a couple more backfires - no start.  Gas comes out the overflow(in drops) when trying to kick no matter position of choke or throttle.  Pulled and cleaned plug.  It wasn't particularily wet or black.  No luck.  Any ideas, suggestions?  Thanks!

Hi Frank.

One word.........VARNISH.

That's what your son has in his fuel system.

Any time that a bike sits for more than a couple of weeks without being used the fuel begins to evaporate and leaves behind a residue that gums up the entire fuel system.  We call it "varnish".

What needs doing is that the fuel tank needs to be removed and resealed.  Then you need to remove the fuel line and carb.  Replace the fuel line with a new one and clean the carb.

That should clear up the problem.

Good luck and ride safe.