Motorcycle Repair: 2000 sportster clutch, clutch adjustment, clutch lever

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I hope you can help. I have a problem I have been fighting for about 3 years.I have a custom bike I built, I used a 2000 xlh motor for the heart of the beast. My problem is sometimes when I take off it acts like the clutch is slipping. I give it gas and it just acts like I hit neutral. This problem only occurs in 1st and 2nd gear and it does not matter how hard I am in the throttle.Also sometimes when I take off from a dead stop when I let off the clutch I hear a loud noise like the clutch was stuck It does not jump or anything just the noise and then it almost always slips after that. I have replaced the clutch plates and I have read the clutch adjustment section of the book so many times I almost know it by heart.I have tried all I know but the problem just won't go away. Please Help.  Thank you,  Marc Belew
Answer -
There are only a couple of reasons for what is happening. One the clutch is out of adjustment or to tight causing the slippage. The other is the clutch cam assembly. It need to be pushed all the way back before installing the primary cover and adjusting the clutch. When your problem happens and you remove the clutch cover is there a lot of play in the adjustment?
I do not know what you are calling the clutch cam assembly. Can you please explain? When I adjust the clutch I first back the adjustment in the cable all the way off then turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise until it stops then clockwise 1/4turn then adjust fre play in cable until I have 1/16-1/8 free play at clutch lever.Every time I adjust it is seems to be set the same by that I mean no excesive free play.  Thank you very much for your help. Marc

I think your problem lies in the clutch cam assembly, but I do have a few other ideas. It is the part inside the primary cover that rotates when you pull the clutch. Thy this. Reajust the clutch. When you shorten the clutch cable all the way, loosen the clutch adjuster. Now before adjusting the clutch push in on the steel cable, like you are pushing it towards the primary. this wil piviot the cam assembly all the way to the back. Now adjust the clutch and adjust the cable.
If this doesnt solve the problem, the inspect your spring diaphram, the part that puts pressure on the clutch, for cracks or warpage.
If this doesnt solve the problem let me know. If you send somthing back I will not be here until Monday. Out of town for the holiday
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