Motorcycle Repair: 1982 Kawasaki Plugs Not Firing., electrical diagnosis, plug caps

Hello Mark,
  I have a 1982 650 Kawasaki CSR. Its been sitting up outside for a few years so I had my carbs cleaned and adjusted and installed new plugs. My problem is I only have 2 plugs that are firing. I thought it might be one of the coils, but when I switched them around they both seem to work fine. All the wires seem ok also when I switched them. It is the 2 inside plugs that are not firing. Do this bike have points in it. If so where are they located and could this be the problem? I have never had any problem with the bike before it sat up.Thanks.  

Hi Robert,

The inside cylinders fire from the same ignition coil. I suspect a electrical problem within the ignition circuit.

This model has electronic ignition, no breaker-points type ignition.

Perform electrical diagnosis to learn the source of the problem. Use a multimeter (VOM) and measure resistance of ignition coil windings, pick-up coils, plug caps, plug wires, and conductors/connectors in the circuit. Test the CDI with a known good unit. Compare all resistance values with the service manual's service limits.

Mark Shively