Motorcycle Repair: 1984 Honda Shadow VT700C, continuity test, resistance values

Hi, I have  1984 Honda Shadow VT700C motorcycle and my problem is that the tachometer never really works.  When I start it up, it never works, but when I am driving down the road, very rarley does it work, but sometimes it starts working again for about 10 seconds, and then it stops working again.  When it isnt working, it just sits there at 0 and "tetter totters" back and forth between 0 and 1.  I looked in the manual and I did what it told me by performing a continuity test, but with the results i got about having low resistance, I wasnt sure what the reading meant and if I did actually have low resistance or not.  Hopefully you can help me so I can get my tachometer working.  Thanks

Hi Sean,

I would need to be there to perform the same electrical tests.

If you answer the following questions, I'll try and interpret the meter readings.

Advise the meter readings you received.
What meter type do you have: digital or analog?
What meter setting was used to perform the test?
Where did you make meter lead connections?
What are the service manual's service limits for the tachometer (Ohm/resistance values)?

Mark Shively