Motorcycle Repair: Transmission for 2003 GSX600RK3, 2003 suzuki gsxr, mechanical abilities

Thanks for taking time to help me with this question. My motorcycle (2003 Suzuki GSXR 600K3) seems like it wants to jerk in and out of gear repeatedly in second gear. It only does it in second gear while riding above 6,000 rpms. The first time it happend, i didn't think nothing of it and kept riding because it happens a couple of seconds before i clutch to shift into third gear. Second gear is the only gear it does it in. I know transmission work is very expensive for motorcycles, and if it is something that can be fixed by myself, without having to take it to the dealership i would really appreciate it. Again, thanks for taking the time to help me with this problem.

Hi Everett,

The transmission will need work. I don't know your mechanical abilities or level of knowledge, but this is major work. Complete engine disassembly.

Second gear and it's mating gears will need replaced. Shifting forks and gaskets should bve replaced, too. Visit: "" to see the parts and prices on-line.

2nd gear commonly goes with power shifting, pre-loading the shifter, wheelies, and missed gears.

Keep me advised of your progress.

Mark Shively