Nissan Repair: cd player/aircon unit, nissan gloria, freon leak

QUESTION: i have recently bought a nissan gloria 2000 model, the previous owner said the cd player and the aircon both stopped working suddenly one day and the car just constantly blows hot air through the vents.. what could this mean and how would i go about fixing it? a couple people said it may be a fuse and a few more say it could be water damage or something? thanks

ANSWER: Hi Chelsea -

Looks like you have 2 separate issues -

The Cd player - do you hear any sound at all when you try to insert the Cd or open the door? If the lights go on the face of the player then it is not the fuse. Could be the drive band broke. In which case better to just replace the unit. After market is the best way to go.

As for the A/C if the air is blowing hot when it is supposed to be cooling, I would check the freon level, or compressor, and check for freon leaks. That one would not be a fuse.

Hope this helps -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry i mean the cd player does not work at all, no lights, cd wont come out, does nothing when you push buttons. and neither does the heater/aircon. no lights on and no buttons working but just constantly blows hot air. thankyou

Hi Chelsea -

If this CD player is an aftermarket unit, I would check where it is connected to to get power. Perhaps it did overload the circuit and blew a fuse. The large circuit fuses are in the engine compartment on the fenderwell, and the regular fuses are under dash driver's side.

For the A/C, I would still check the pressure in the A/C system. Perhaps there is a freon leak that is cutting off the compressor from running, thus making the air hot./

Hope this helps -