Nissan Repair: 1992 Maxima no power to A\C or Heater, nissan maxima gxe, automatic climate control

QUESTION: I have a '92 Nissan Maxima GXE, 3.0 V6, 4 speed automatic - the problem I have began about a month ago. I am not getting any power to the heat and air control unit. The small interior lights on the unit will light up when the light switch is turned on however, the blower will not come on nor will the a\c or heater. I checked all the fuses and they are all good. I am stumped, I just cant figure it out? Is there another power source I am unaware of? A fusible link? ANYTHING I am missing? Thank you for your time.

ANSWER: Karmon,

If yours is the automatic climate control, which it sounds like it is, the unit is defective.  That is, the control unit that has the screen on it fails and needs to be checked and most probably replaced.  You can diagnose if it is getting power or not.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I apologize, I should have thought of that option however I am not finding any models that offered that style of unit in 1992. My Maxima has the standard 4 speed fan, the push button style options for the A\C, floor, mid-level or floor selectors, heat, mid heat\defrost and then defrost options. Each having its own small push button. A small lever for fresh air or recirculate is also available then of course the sliding temp control and 1-4 speeds for the fan selector. Each of these buttons and the two sliding controls have small back-lights that illuminate when the running lights or headlights are turned on. This is what I meant by those lights work but I cant get the heat or AC to come on. The first time it happened the unit came back on once or twice as if maybe there was a short or possibly a fuse going bad and then finally blew, possibly?? Is it possible for this type of unit to actually go "bad" or is it more than likely a short or some sort of sensor or fuse that went bad? Nonetheless, my unit is not a touch type screen and it does not have the automatic climate control. You have to slide the lever from the blue to the red for cooler or warmer. The adjacent side has the fan speeds.I appreciate your timely response and look forward to resolving my problem!!


You will need to check the blower resistor, it is in the blower case.  Remove the glovebox and check the resistor that controls fan speed and then check the blower if the resistor is ok.  The blower can be checked by using a length of wire to provide power to see if the blower works.