Nissan Repair: 2007 Altima 3.5 SE, air control valve, speciality shop

We drive a 2007 Altima 3.5 SE, purchase second hand with 26000 km. When the engine is first started the RPM rev's to 2500 then drops to 2000 until warmed up then drops to 750. We have complained about this problem and had scan's done and nothing comes up in the scan. We feel the engine should not be revving this high on cold start up as it causes premature engine wear. Is there some place that could reprogram the ECU to lower the cold start up idle?
Un related to this we've had the driver & passenger windows open while the car is sitting in our driveway on two different ocassions!!!!!  


A dealer or speciality shop with a Consult II or Consult III scantool can adjust the idle.  It could be a defective idle air control valve or even a defective manifold absolute pressure sensor (MAP) causing the high idle.  The windows down is a function of the remote.  If the door unlock is depressed for a length of time the windows will go down.  The car is smart and knows that no one entered so it locks the doors after a couple of minutes.  But, the windows stay down.  I hang my keys up to prevent inadvertent actuation of this feature.  It has happened to me too...