Nissan Repair: 90 Nissan Max Transmission, nissan transmission, pan gasket

I have a 1990 Nissan Transmission; about 4 months ago my reverse shrift went out. It reverses likes it's in Neutral.  What should I do?  And my car jerks when it's driven.  It has 174000 miles on it.  And I only drove it out of town one time that was a year ago. I only use it to get back and forth to work.  I am a female and I don't know to much about cars can you help me.  My grandfather said it was the pan gasket I don't even know what that is.


If it is an automatic you are looking at a rebuilt or wrecking yard transmission.  If it is a standard the shift fork for reverse is gone and needs to be replaced with other parts that it took out.  Either way you are looking at a $1000 or more.