Plymouth Repair: Plymouth Voyager 97--Serpintine Belt, plymouth voyager, rain storms

My parents have a Plymouth Voyager 97...The serpintine belt came off a month or so ago during rainy weather.  Again the serpintine belt came off during rainy weather--brought to the mechanic and reportedly he said that the tension is fine but it appears to come off during these conditions-->it happened a third time in the rain.  This has happened in the past three rain storms.  My parents are old and this concerns me...has there been a recall on the belt & and is this an easy fix.
Concerned Daughter

hello tinna
no thire is no recall but tell the mech to replace the teninshner and to replace the serptine belt with a new one go daco good belt it will not come off in the rain . good luck to u hun and if you need more help let me know u have a pretty name pete