RV Repair: water heater, pilot flame, pilot tube

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Question -
Hello I have a suburban 6 gal water heater model sw6 p on a travel trailer. The pilot light goes out most every time  the heater kick in to heat the water. I change the thermacoupler and the pilot look ok. There is a setting covered with a red cap to adust the flame and pilot. Can this be touch to try to adjust something? I cant find anything on how this should be done.. any help would sure be appreciated.. THANKS!
Answer -
   The first thing I would do is remove the pilot tube and clean the pilot burner and orifice.  Don't stick anything in the orifice, just clean it with a solvent and/or blow it out with compressed air.  It may look okay but it may have enough of an obstruction to create problems such as you are experiencing.  The next thing to do is adjust the air shutter to the main burner so it's burning correctly.  Close it off until it doesn't roar at all when burning then gradually open it up just to the point that it turns all blue and you hear a slight roar.  After this has been done if it is still giving problems, and everything else in the LP system is working correctly, there may be a pilot adjustment on the front of the gas valve depending on how old it is.  They have eliminated this adjustment on the newer models, but judging by your model # it probably has it.  The tip of the pilot flame should just engulf the tip of the thermocouple.  You don't want it too big because it often will go out on ignition if it's too big.  I hope this helps, good luck and happy camping.

Thanks will give that a try first, if this should fail,, could there be something wrong with the main controler?  

   Anything's possible but with the pilot lighting and staying lit I would have to say that it would be very unlikely that the gas valve has a problem.  Usually when they fail when you light the pilot it just wouldn't stay lit when you release the button to light the pilot.
