Saturn Repair: 97 Saturn Manual RPM, vacuum leaks, coolant temp

QUESTION: I have a 97 Saturn SL1 Manual with 250000 miles. The problem is when I engage the clutch to shift the gears the RPM rises and when I disengage the clutch the RPM comes back to normal position. The car runs real good with no other problems. Please help me to fix this. Thanks in advance.

ANSWER: Hello SO sorry for the delay.  First off tell me what the rpms are at idle while sitting in neutral.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The idle RPM level is between 1000 and 1500 in neutral.

We need to start there. Thats way to high. Make sure its not a vacuum leak i.e. cracked pcv hose,  bad intake gasket etc.  Open the hood and listen you should be able to hear a vacuum leak if it has one.  If no vacuum leaks remove the coolant temp sensor and inspect the tip for any signs of being cracked.  If its cracked at all replace it.  Let me know what you find.