Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Ryobi start problem, compression gauge, weed eater

I have a Robi 31cc 700R 15in. weed eater that I cannot get started.  I have fresh fuel, and good spark on the plug.  The plug is wet after attempting to start it so it appears to be getting fuel.  I have tried starting fluid with same result, it does not even fire.  Could there be a timing problem?  This machine has started in the past but was always VERY hard to start.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


First thing I would check is the engine compression.  You will need a compression gauge to check.  You need at least 90 PSI, 125 would be better, but I have had them run on 90 PSI.

If the compression is good then you may have a seal or gasket leaking.  Look for dirty area where parts mate together.  Oil/dust/dirt will collect in these area is a seal or gasket is leaking.

Let me know what the engine compression is.