Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Stalling, kohler dying

I have a 3 year old 23 hp Kohler Command on my Cub Cadet ZForce 50 mower.  At the end of last season, I would be mowing and all of a sudden the mower would stall.  I could crank it over fine, but the minute I increased the throttle, it would stall again.  Finally afer about 10 minutes, it would go back to running fine. I checked everything, fuel filter, air filter. oil and everything was ok.  Any ideas?  Thank you.

The next time it stalls like that, plug an ignition tester into the plug wire and see if it's firing.  You can get a tester at any auto parts store for $5-7.

If it's firing, then check for fuel flow to the carburetor by removing the fuel line and trying to catch the fuel in a glass jar while cranking the engine.

One of these two should point you in the right direction.  In this sort of forum I can't really go over every possibility as there's just too many.  If you can narrow it down I can probably help further.  Thanks, PK.