Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): compression release, neighbor hood, style engines

Hi,I have a few older ladies in the neighbor hood that I do lawn mower service on their push mowers in the spring each year. They're having trouble pulling the ropes the older they get. Do they make a compression release or anything for the little Briggs engines? Thanks Steve

All Briggs, push mower style engines, have compression releases ground on the camshaft or with a spring loaded device on the camshaft.

There are no additional compression releases available.  We have the same thing with older customers who still enjoy yard work but have difficulties starting and pushing their mowers.

To mitigate this problem we always stock electric start self-propeled models.  They cost more and do require additional battery maintenance but the customers love the mowers after using them.  Well worth the money if they still enjoy getting out and working on the lawn.  I have also taken a shine to the electric start models..just eaiser to use.
We see less repairs and lower maintenance costs with Toro, Snapper and Honda brand mowers. Granted they cost more to purchase but the savings add up with less repair costs.
Let me know if this helps.