Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): tecumseh engine, mini bike, full throttle

I was told I have a 3.5 or 4 horse tecumseh motor on a small mini bike. I adjusted carb and now it goes much faster and sounds better but after accelerating full throttle for a period of time like on a 1/4 stretch the motor will shut down. my choke lever will turn to off position. Is this some sort of govenor issue like im topping out so for safety it shutsdown? what do u suggest I do to stop this. I want the most out of the motor without damaging it.

It sounds like the detents on the choke are worn.  It shouldn't be moving so something is worn or loose.  You'll have to inspect it closely to see what's worn.  You may even have to improvise a spring or something to keep it open.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks, PK.