Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Rebuild or buy new, briggs and stratton, ohv engine

I have a 10 year old 6.5hp Briggs and Stratton OHV engine that is on a Toro Super Recycler mower.  I'm trying to get an idea of how worn out the engine is.  The mower ran great the first three years and then I moved to a fairly steep yard.  After two years, the engine began smoking, would not start on the first or second try, and I eventually had to have it repaired.  Compression was bad, but I'm not sure what they replaced.  After another two years of the steep yard it started running rough, fouling out plugs quickly and now it will only run for a few seconds when a new plug is put in it.  After six years of 45 degree angle mowing and a major repair is this a lost cause?

Hello Ron:

A Few Weeks Ago I Spoke with Briggs Concerning the Maximum Angle their Engines are Designed to Operate At. I was Informed that Briggs Suggests No More than a 15 Degree Angle. For Very Steep Terrain I Usually Suggest a 2 Cycle Engine. You are Fortunate that you Received 6 Years of Service and Only 1 Major Repair During that Time. I Suggest you Look Into Purchasing a Mower with a 2 Cycle Engine. On a 2 Cycle Engine, the Oil is Added to the Gas and the Engine can be Used at Any Angle that is Considered Safe (even upside down, if this was considered safe) and Not Damage Any of the Mower or Engines Components. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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