Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): testing coil, tecumseh engine, tecumseh engines

How do you test a coil on a 4 hp Tecumseh engine?  It is on a craftsman push mower.  This engine has the electronic ignition.

 Hello Bob:

 Remove the Cut Off Wire from the Coil. Turn the Flywheel and Check for Fire. Make Sure you Don't Try to Stop the Engine After you Give it A Quick Spin With you Hand. The Coil will Fire the Plug if it is Good. The Electronic Ignition is Built Inside the Coil. Since you Own a Tecumseh Engine; I have a Couple of Site Addy's that May Interest you. 1- This is a PDF File. It is Information on the Tecumseh Engines. 2- This is a PDF File Also and Contains More Information on the Tecumseh Engine. Hope this helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

