Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Weed wacker, weed wacker, grass trimmer

Hello there thanks for your help if you can.
I bought a gas powered grass trimmer. last year from home depot i lent it to a buddy and it wont run. To be more speicfic my model has three settings 3choke 2when its warmed up for 30sec to a minute than you switch it to 1 and thats full power start trimming problem is it shuts off when you switch from 2 to 1 just dies if you can help great thank you Robert

Many of these problems are carburetor related.  Do you have any adjustment needles on the carb?

Don't forget to look at simple spark plug, fresh gas...these two items are the most over looked maintenance items.  We repair lots of equipment by just replacing the plug and fuel.

Let me know about the needle adjustments.