Towing Issues: Illigal Tow or not, landloard, question pool


I live in Ohio. My car was towed from my parking spot when I was out of town because other teanant called in and asked the landlord to tow the ca. He claimed that I parked at his spot, which I am very positive that I didn't do that since I live in my apartment for around three years and I would not have parked my car elsewhere to cause a tow especially when I was out of town.

The landlord didn't show up to confirm that claim. She just called the towing company and my car was towed. After my returning home, I called the landloard and she said that the towing company took pictures as an evidence showing that I parked at the wrong spot. I immediately asked for the photo,and the towing company told me that the driver who has the picture was very ill and had doctors' order not to leave bed. It has been almost two weeks and the driver is still sick. My question is that does the law require the towing company to show me the picture, or is there any way that I can ask for the pictures, if any? And I learned from your past articles that the landlord must be present and signed a document for the car to be towed in California, does that apply to Ohio?

Thank you very much.


Well first of all, I had no idea this question was in the question pool... Guess that area does not inform us of questions..

In most every location someone has to sign an authorization for impound.. But in some areas, a blanket authorization contract works and that sounds like what happened.

Now as to the pictures, I hope you got them, and that the driver got better... Hate to see anyone sick or injured.

As to they "having to provide you with them" that's usually a company policy issue.  But the reason for them to have pictures is to prove you were parked where you were... You know the saying, " a picture is worth a thousand words"  works good but it also helps in court...  

I hope you got this issue resolved.