Toyota Repair: New key will not turn ignition cylinder

Hi Ted
Can you answer a Lexus question? If not I understand but thought I'd ask.

My daughter has a 2001 LX470. Key stem broke off at bottom of plastic; I taped it back together several weeks ago and it works fine; I purchased a new key shell; transferred the key pod from old key to new key but key would not turn in ignition, so I put pod back in the old key and re-taped it so she could keep using it. The new key, without the pod, will unlock doors, so apparently it is cut correctly, but will not turn in the ignition. The new key DOES make the steering wheel drop just like the broken key does; BUT new key does NOT make the immobilizer light stop flashing when I insert key. And of course the new key will not turn. Have sprayed WD40 inside ignition and inserted/removed the new key 30 times to loosen tumblers, then tried the new key but no luck. Car is firmly in park. Broken key turns ignition OK without moving steering wheel back and forth, but if I remove broken key, do not touch steering wheel, insert new key, ignition will not turn. Someone told me the key needs to be programmed so I tried the programming instructions with the new key(without the pod) but that did not work. Does the pod need to be in the new key when it is programmed to make the new key work? I figured that after programming, the key would turn the ignition even though it would not start the car.
Thanks so much,

Hello, when you get a new ignition lock cylinder it always comes with a key, if it has an immobilizer system then it will come with an immobilizer key, if you install the new lock with the key, the key needs to be programmed to let the engine start, this will let the new key work in the ignition but not the door locks.
If you elect to use the old key in the new lock it will not turn and vice versa, it sounds like you are trying the new key on the old lock, in that case the lock cylinder needs to be removed and re keyed by a locksmith so it will turn in the ignition, programming the key does not mean it can be turned, the cylinder has to match the key, this can be done by re arranging the lock wavers inside the cylinder.