Toyota Repair: Engine Light on Cressida 91, inexpensive test kits, oxygen sensor

Would you decoding the flashing on my Cressida 91 : 2 flashes-2 flashes-2 flashes-Long pause and 5 flashes .And long pause again start with 2 flashes - Long pause and 6 flashes.On dash board shows 270.000 km.                                                         Thanks a lot from Australia.

It looks like it's a code 22 and a 25, the first is a water temperature sender fault and the second a oxygen sensor fault. Make sure that it's not low on coolant, these engines were prone to leaking headgaskets. Before doing anything else I would make sure that the headgasket is ok, there are inexpensive test kits available at most autoparts stores, just follow the instructions. A leaking headgasket that emits coolant into the exhaust will cause a code 25/26.