Toyota Repair: EFI fuse keeps blowing 1993 toyota camry with Ign swith on, toyota camry, o2 sensors

QUESTION: Where can I find the wire diagram for the inside of a engine control module for a 1993 toyota camry I have a short on the EFI fuse

ANSWER: Toyota doesn't release this information besides that's not the problem, in most cases the EFI fuse blows because there is a short to ground in the red/white wire that supplies power to the injectors and the o2 sensors as well as a lot of other components. Open the check connector under the hood and check the B+ terminal to see if it's shorted to ground, do this with the battery disconnected using an ohm meter between the B+ terminal and body ground.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ted, What are you calling the check connector under the hood? Location of it? The computer has 3 ea. wire connectors on it and I have removed all 3 and reinstalled 1 at a time starting from the top. The first 2 did great and the fuse did not blow, then I put the 3rd one in down the bottom and the fuse for the efi it blow. I unplugged it and the short went away. Someone told me it may be the EGR valve, What do you you think!!!!!
Thank You

The EGR valve can't cause this, it's not electrically connected to anything. The short is in the last connector you removed. The diagnostic check connector is located under the hood on the passenger side, open the cover and check the B+ terminal for a short to ground with the battery disconnected. Remove the connector that causes the fuse to blow again and check to see if any of the wires short to ground, especially the red/white wire, the brown/black wire and the white/black wires should be grounded only.