Toyota Repair: 00 Toyota Celica, mass air flow sensor, toyota celica gt

I have a 00 Toyota Celica Gt 1zz FE it has 68,000 mi. i just bought it from one of my friends and its been sitting for about 7 months. now i got it on the road and im have running problems. its a manual transmission. when i first start out it feels like it has no power and it gradually goes. it has a injen cold air intake on it and it somewhat seems a little hesitant like its not sucking right. but it makes no sense cus its not spitting out any codes. i thought maybe it could be the mass air flow sensor, but that should spit out a code, or maybe fuel pump, or a clogged cat. can u please help me out. thank you so much

A car setting for 7 months won't run bad. It probably had issues
before that and that's why he parked it.
I don't like guessing about car problems long distance, this could be any one of 25 problems. When you say its not spitting out codes I don't know what you mean. Are you saying the check engine light does not come on? Have you hooked up a good scanner to the ECM/PCM?

Start with the basics!
Check the air input system to see if there is any critter nests
in there. Make sure the air filter is not blocked. Make sure the
clamps on the rubber air intake are tight, make sure there is no
cracks in the rubber. Pull a plug and inspect it.
